Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We can dress real neat, from our hats to our feet and surprise 'em with a victory cry.

I did a whole get to know me post on my last blog so I figured, why not do something different this time? Those things going around Facebook, "25 thruths" or "100 things no one knows" caught my attention. I figure, if I post it on Facebook, my friends are likely to read it. But if I write it here, they aren't likely to read it and I won't be made fun of forever. So here we go.

20 things I bet you didn't know about me.

1. I love most kinds of music but I draw the line at Jazz and Rap. They aren't in any way related but I don't know. Just not my style.

2. I actually can dress normal. (If I try really hard...)

3. Alot of my friends started calling me Alice when the movie Alice in Wonderland came out because I dressed all crazy and weird. Or maybe it was just to bug me...

4. When I grow up, I want to be famous. Like, so famous people know who I am and respect me. Because I want to make a difference in the messed up world of stardom.

5. I'm a sucker for a cause. Seriously. Give me a website that has a vision to help people in need and it just plucks on my heart strings. Because I've seen firsthand what happens when things get out of hand. (Sites such as twloha.com or tabithaministry.com)

6. I really hate Winter. Okay, maybe you knew that but it's just a big part of my hate collumn. It's cold, you can't swim, it's harder to pick out outfits. Not a good season.

7. I love socks. Alot of times I don't take the time to match them though. I actually read about a scientist who couldn't fathom matching his socks after they went through the wash so he just didn't wear any. Or another man, a historian I think, had twenty or so pairs of the same socks so he just had to pick out two and run. Not for me. I like patterned socks, knee socks, thigh highs, vintage socks. All socks.

8. I have this one black cardigan with white stripes I got on sale at Forever21 and it's extremely hard for me not to go grab it out of my closet and wear it every day.

9. I love anything vintage. I have two glass coke bottles sitting on my desk right now and a book I found in this old shop downtown on vintage fashions. Just glancing around my room I also saw a book on things that used to be used that aren't anymore or they've been modified. Like an iron. They actually used to be made of iron you know.

10. I really don't care what people think. I mean, most people care just a little bit but it doesn't matter to me. So bring it on.

11. I used to play golf. Yeah I know, "But Sienna! You can't ever shut up! How did you play golf?" I don't know either dear. I don't know either.

12. I'm actually not as worried about things as I appear to be.

13. I read. Alot. I have two bookshelves full at the moment and more books stacked up on the floor. And my desk. And my chair. And at my dad's house.

14. I am fascinated by other cultures. How they feel about family, education, the whole bit. Like I was reading an old blog entry by Camilla at Into the Fold (intothefoldfashion.blogspot.com) where she said it was a Danish tradition to open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve. Interesting.

15. I am hugging my miniature dachshund (commonly called a weiner dog) who is so creatively named Weinie. She is not as evil as she may seem. (My friends call her the demon dog.)

16. I love everything having to do with color. I can't stand a blank canvas either.

17. When I get nervous, I don't cry or get freaked out, I get hyper. Seriously I was running around like a crazy person at the last play I was in. I would've felt better if I had had lines. But I do enjoy inprov anyway.

18. I have ever so recently discovered the wonders of online shopping. ModCloth has to be a favorite, along with Amazon and Etsy. (modcloth.com, amazon.com, etsy.com)

19. I love stuffed animals and flipflops. Completely random I know but I was just staring off into space and when I came to, I was staring at my shoe rack which happened to have a stuffed hedgehog I threw at my dog beside it.

20. I get to listen to a free concert every day. The guys across the street evidently have a band because when I open my window, I can always hear them playing. They're pretty good too.

So anyways, this post is really long and I squashed my finger under a platform (not a shoe, a prop) earlier and it's all purple. I'm probably not doing it any good, typing all this. But I felt the need. Tata ya'll.

Song of the day: Safety Dance by Men Without Hats

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